вторник, 2 апреля 2013 г.

Full Movie Downloads: The Bible: The Epic Miniseries (2013)

I have read though a few hours of remarks from 1 star to 5 star reviewers. Once again, I find many of you 1 to 3 star bible thumpers ( I say that to get your attention),harping on a few points that we really do not know about- mostly the ninja angels- I wasn't there, I didn't see them in action-and neither did you! In this day of Christianity being threatened on all fronts, with the rise of radical muslim fundamentalists, you would think we ALL would rally around something that has struck a nerve, in a good way, to spread the word on our religion and Jesus Christ. I have been to some of you 1-3 star reviewers churches in my time on this planet.

Trust me, your mean, clicky and drive people away from the teachings of the bible and of the son of God. Some of you are here now blasting this because it's not well done in YOUR eyes. have you given thought of the eyes of those who do not yet know of Christianity or the teachings of Christ? Yes, maybe they have to leave a great deal out, yes, perhaps you don't like to see Blacks and Asians in the mini-series. I don't know what your problem is, but many of you are ANGRY about this mini-series. The most watched cable program in history. A program that is bringing people to the lord Jesus Christ. Instead of embracing this-you fight it. I am sure YOU would have made a more "realistic" mini-series. To who's standard? No one is stopping you. Go and raise the money and make one you want. Until then I wish you would just shut up unless you have something good to say. Now go back to your church and brag about how much you love God and show people how righteous you are while you continue to give Christians a bad name. Thank you Roma for having the courage to make something that will be attacked. Thank you to the History Channel for airing this.

Full Movie Downloads: The Bible: The Epic Miniseries (2013)

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